Today, I’m joining in on the fun with the Ultimate Blog Party hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom. The UBP is a way to share you blog with other bloggers. Its basically a party where you can meet new people, but you can wear yoga pants all day and no one will know, or care, because they are probably in their yoga pants too.
Well, I’m Maggie (Margaret, Marg, Margie, Margarita, Margalicious, call me what you’d like). I’m a 20 year old single mother who is attempting to do this rearing a child thing all on my own while blogging here and going to school full-time at the oh so full of crime alerts, VCU (Grab your pepper spray!)
This is Linneyville.
Linneyville: (noun) a Parenting, lifestyle, and whatever else we can think of blog written by Maggie and her mom, Linda. You can find product reviews,the occasional recipe, parenting woes, triumphs, and cute pictures of the little bebe.
We have the worst room-mate ever, he goes by Little B, or B. He is up all night, eats all of the food in the house, and demands our attention. As of today, he is 4 months old. And I just got him to take a nap by playing Bohemian Rhapsody.
Mommy-ing for the win!
Thanks for poppin’ by. Feel free to leave a comment to say hello, or holla at me (@itsmargomg) or view adorbs pics of Little B on Instagram (@msellers2).