Children’s Hospital of Richmond — A Chance to Give

A few months ago, B had pneumonia. We followed all of the necessary procedures, antibiotics and rest. Ok, that last part not so much — try and keep a 15-month old still; not easy. So when he got a fever after being on the antibiotics for a few days, we took him straight to the Emergency Room.

I have to give the doctors and nurses a huge shout out. Through all my panic and worry, they were very calm and supportive. They kept me informed that he would need a chest X-Ray. Have you ever taken a 15-month old to have an X-ray? It’s heartbreaking. Not only was he uncomfortable, but he wasn’t allowed to move as they took the pictures, and the machine is scary even for me. I can’t imagine what he was going through.

I’m so thankful that it turned out his pneumonia was gone, and at our follow up it turned out to just be an ear infection. If it was anything worse I’m not sure what I would do, but I had a good feeling the supportive medical staff at our hospital would have been there with me every step of the way.

I’m honored to inform you about the Children’s Hospital Foundation, one of which is right here in Richmond.


The Children’s Hospital Foundation is a non-profit organization. They have dedicated funding and advocating for pediatric initiatives that improve the status of health care and the quality of life for children in our region. They are the support for the programs and initiative that the Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU and the children there. They also help with other pediatric health programs around Richmond.

Since they are the only full-service children’s hospital in the region, they see over 50,000 children and their families a year from all over the country.

Monetary gifts are used for the general operations of Children’s Hospital of Richmond, including maintaining a staff of pediatric specialists in a facility designed just for children, operating 24 hours a day. 

By donating today, you’re helping the day-to-day operations of the hospital and help fund the wonderful and loving staff and specialists.

For a little taste of the wonderful staff and volunteers, check out this lip-dub to “Roar” by Katy Perry featuring the nurses and even a couple of VCU Basketball players!

If you wish to donate (and I do hope you will!) you can do so through the Fundly here. Any and all donations will benefit the organization.

As part of a class project I am raising funds for the Children’s Hospital Foundation with a group of classmates. Any size donation is welcome. By clicking through to the Fundly link, you can donate directly to the organization. ALL proceeds go to the Children’s Hospital Foundation.


For when you’re stretched too thin…

Today, I’m 3.5 weeks into the semester, and I’m already over it. It’s a lot of work, and I knew that going in. I overestimated myself; working, doing school and making sure I can focus on bonding with that stinky child of mine.

Today I had a conversation with my friend about how over this semester we really are. Words were said about how I couldn’t see straight anymore (ok. it was a sinus headache. Thanks allergies.) I may have been over-exaggerating a little bit, but really: it’s hard work. We want school to be over and have big girl careers and move on with our lives.

No one said it would be easy. But, I’ve also been doing the Whole30, and let’s be honest: I want a cookie to cope with my stress. It’s only half-way through September…


But I remember how worth it it is and the sense of accomplishment I will feel when the semester is finally over. Ain’t no better feeling. I mean, let’s be real: I got this.

I’m off to research time-management tips instead of finishing an assignment.
